The perfect natural base for our deodorant, not only is it moisturizing it has been shown to have antimicrobial and antibacterial properties.
Moisturizes skin, and can help treat skin various skin conditions, thank you bees!
Unlike some other deodorant brands who use baking soda that is chemically extracted from the earth and irritating to skin, our all natural baking soda is “water mined” so it is the mildest form of baking soda available. And,..it helps keep you dry and absorb odor!!
Another drying agent, we use this in combination with the Sodium Bicarbonate (aka baking soda) for a super functional and highly effective but non irritating formula.
We love how this conditions the skin with potential anti microbial and anti inflammatory effects.
This ingredient conditions and moisturizes the skin plus potential lymphatic health benefits!
Skin moisturizing, hydrating and smoothing along, and light floral scent.
Potential antibacterial qualities and citrus like scent.
This powerhouse oil possesses free radical scavenging benefits which may help detox the body and remove toxins, and also has an earthy woodsy scent.
Shown to be a bacterial inhibitor plus a calming scent.
Potentially antiseptic plus an invigorating scent.
Potential anxiety inhibitor plus woodsy scent.
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